However, in celebration of this day that I have come to miss very much so, I thought I would share some stuff I can across this week:
My friend Jacob from the Wine Tasting in Medford I went to a couple weeks ago (yeaaahhh - still haven't had the motivation to post that blog...I didn't realize how many freaking wines we "liked" that day) sent me a creative cork idea - A cork tissue box:
November is a huge month for Birthdays - Including my dads and my very own - 11/11/11 this year...It should be a good one! For all of you celebrating birthdays this month, I got you a very special card:
Now I leave you with a clip from my favorite Disney movie .. and no it's not when the priest gets a stiffy in The Little Mermaid! However, still a little risque for the kiddies - Enjoy!
And Remember: